دوستـــان تایبــــــــــادی
تایبادشناسی / آموزشی / سرگرمی

آزمون درس اول زبان (1)     نام ونام خانوادگي:

الف-ديكته:كلمات ناقص را كامل كنيد.(3نمره)

1.Pe – ple didn’t pay much a – tention to him.

2.School sho – ld be a hap – y place.

3.Ch – ldr – n love their m - thers and fathers.

ب-با كلمات داده شده جملات را كامل كنيد.(5نمره)

(milk/place/all over/get up/remember)

4.There are many countries ……………. the world.

5.Freobel made school a happier ………….. for little children .

6.My sister couldn’t ……………. her teacher’s name.

7.We have to ………….. early in the morning.

8.I need some ………….  for the baby.

ج-با كلمات خودتان جملات را كامل كنيد.(1نمره)

9.A school for little children is a ………………..

10.This little girl doesn’t have any friends. She is playing …………….

د-مترادف كلمات را از سمت راست پيدا كنيد.(5/1 نمره)

11.pretty(     )                       14.grow(     )                a. like                         d. beautiful

12.little(      )                        15.must(      )               b. small                       e. become older

13.love(     )                         16.grow up(     )           c. should                     f. raise

ه-جملات زير را به گذشته تبديل كنيد.(3نمره)

17.Ali can play football now.

18.We can finish the book this year.

19.The children must wait for the school bell.

و-گفتگو:جواب سئوالات را از سمت راست پيدا كنيد.(5/1نمره)

20.What’s your first name?(    )                         a.I am Ali.

21.May I speak to Mr Amini?(     )                     b.My last name is Kabiri.

22.What’s your last name?(     )                          c.Yes, just a moment ,please.

ز-تلفظ:كلمه ناهماهنگ را در هر پرانتز مشخص كنيد.(5/1نمره)

23.(my/why/with/like)                                         24.(fine/live/try/by)

ح-گزينه درست را انتخاب كنيد.(2نمره)

25.Friedrich could …………… in the garden.(plays / playing / play / to play)

26.He had to …………. to school.(walk / to walk / walking / walks)

27.Could Friedrich …………. things with his hands?(does / do / to do / did)

28.The man must …………… the doctor.(saw / see / to see / seen)

ط-در هر پرانتز كلمه مناسب را علامت بزنيد.(5/1نمره)

Soon it was (early / fun / time) for Friedrich to go to school. In school he sat on a

 (much / pretty / hard) chair. All day long he looked at books. The books didn’t have (any / again / more) pictures .






آزمون درس دوم زبان (1)       نام ونام خانوادگي:

الف-ديكته:كلمات ناقص راكامل كنيد.(3نمره)

1.These m - nkeys live in the j - ngles of hot lands.


2.Fl - wers are beautiful. Don’t pi - k them.


3.The cows are eating gra - s in the fi - ld.

ب-با كلمات داده شده جملات را كامل كنيد..(5نمره)

( hot / clever / raise / land / climb)

4.Farmers work on the …….. They grow fruits and vegetables.

5.My students are …….. They learn very fast.

6.It’s easy for people to ……… a coconut tree.

7.Persion farmers ….. a lot of rice in the north.

8.There are many ………  countries in Asia.

ج-با كلمات خودتان جملات را كامل كنيد.(5/1نمره)

9.We pick fruits when they are  …….


10.Coconuts grow at the …………  of tall trees.


د-مترادف كلمات را از سمت راست پيدا كنيد.(5/1 نمره)

11.climb(    )                          14.raise(     )                  a.not worse              d. farm worker

12.farmhand(     )                   15.better(    )                 b. go up                    e. not green

13.ripe(     )                            16.cold(    )                   c. not hot                  f. grow

ه-گزينه درست را انتخاب كنيد.(2نمره)

17.How’s the weather today? ……………. very cold.(There’s / Theirs / It’s / Its)

18.Who is it on the phone? …………….. Mr Amini. (There is / It is / Theirs / Its)

19.You are sick .You should …………… in bed. (staying / to stay / stay / stayed)

20.Mary is tired. She should …………….. to bed.(went / going / goes / go)

و-گفتگو:جواب سئوالات را از سمت راست پيدا كنيد.(5/1نمره)

21.Where do you come from?(   )                       a.172 Azadi Avenue.

22.What do you do?(     )                                       b.I’m a teacher.

23.What’s your address?(     )                               c.I come from Japan.

ز-تلفظ:در هر پرانتز كلمه ناهماهنگ را مشخص كنيد.(2نمره)

24.(food / do / no / true)                                       25.(zoo / two / put / cool)

ح-در هر پرانتز كلمه مناسب را مشخص كنيد.(3نمره)

The monkey knows that a (brown / green/ funny) coconut is ripe.He knows that

a green one must (pick /stay / climb) on the tree longer.He picks the brown ones.

 And he drops them (up / full / down) to the farmers.



دو شنبه 23 خرداد 1390برچسب:, :: 11:31 ::  نويسنده : محمود ممتاز


آزمون زبان انگليسي(1) دي ماه 1389   دبيرستان ابن سينا

 نام و نام خانوادگي:                                                      وقت:70 دقيقه

1-ديكته:كلمات ناقص را كامل كنيد.(5نمره)

1.School sho – ld be a hap – y  place.

2.He didn’t leave the pr – blem to go to bre – kfa – t .

3.The book was too dif – ic – lt . She couldn’t fin – sh it.

4.The di – tance from our ho – se to my school is one kilometer.

5.He g – ided the old man acr – ss the street.

2-با كلمات داده شده جاي خالي را پر كنيد.(5 نمره)


(time/all over/clever/pan/get up/snow/built/asleep/duty/draw)

1. There are many countries ……………. the world.

2. It’s our …………….. to keep the room clean.

3. She went to his room with a …………… of water and an egg.

4. There was a lot of ……………. in the front yard.

5. Can you ……………. a picture of a tree?

6. The cat was ……………. on the wall.

7. My students are ……………. They learn very fast.

8. James Watt ……………. the first steam engine.

9 .I have no ………………… to wait here.

10. We have to ……………. early in the morning.

3-با كلمات خودتان جملات را كامل كنيد.(2نمره)

1.We pick fruits when they are ………………..

2.A school for little children is a  ……………………

3.The hottest season of the year is ………………..

4. It pushes snow to the sides of the road. It’s …………………..

4-مترادف كلمات سمت چپ را از سمت راست پيدا كنيد.(2نمره)

1.few(     )          5.pretty(     )                a. small                         e. raise

2.little(      )        6.feed(      )                 b. not many                   f. like

3.climb(     )       7.finally(      )               c. go up                         g. beautiful

4.love(     )         8.grow(     )                 d. give food                    h. at last

5-تلفظ:در هر پرانتز كلمه ناهماهنگ تلفظي را مشخص كنيد.(2نمره)

1.(fine / live / try / by)                                            2.(food / do / no / true)

3.(say / they / eat / ate)                                          4.(love / bus / cup / fat)

6-گفتگو:جواب سئوالات را از سمت راست پيدا كنيد.(3نمره)

1.What’s your first name?(     )                                  a. He is a doctor.

2.Where do you come from?(     )                              b. He is twenty five.

3.What does your father do?(      )                             c. My first name is Reza.

4.May I use your car?(      )                                       d. I am from Japan.

5.How old is he?(      )                                              e. I weigh about 62 kilos.

6.Hw much do you weigh?(      )                                f. Yes, of course. Here you are. 

7-جملات زير را به گذشته تبديل كنيد.(2نمره)

1.I can play football now. ………………………………………………

2.The children must wait for the school bell. ……………………………………………………

8-سئوال زير را پاسخ دهيد.(1نمره)

1.Where will you go this summer?    I think …………………………………

9-جملات زير را مجهول كنيد.(2نمره)

1.Ali washed the car yesterday. ……………………………………………

2.She washes the dishes every day. …………………………………………………….

10-جملات زير را مرتب كنيد.(2نمره)

1.every day / carefully / the newspaper / reads / he / .


2.know / all the questions / I / can’t / you / that / answer / .


11-گزينه درست را علامت بزنيد.(5نمره)

1.Friedrich could ……………….. in the garden.

     a. to play                 b. play              c. playing                      d. plays

2.The students didn’t come late, ………………..?

     a. they didn’t           b. did they         c. didn’t they                d. they did

3.The windows ……………… on Fridays.

     a. cleaned                b. are cleaned    c. was cleaned              d. were cleaned

4.The man  ……………….. in the park yesterday.

     a. saw                     b. was seen       c. is seen                      d. will seen

5.How’s the weather like today?    ………….. very cold.

     a. That’s                  b. There’s        c. It’s                           d. They’re

6.This man is as ……………. as that man.

     a. old                       b. older          c. oldest                       d. as tall

7.My garden is the …………… garden in the city.

     a. beautiful      b. more beautiful      c. as beautiful       d. most beautiful

8.Winter is ………………..than autumn.

     a. colder                  b. cold        c. coldest                      d. more cold

9.The class begins at 8 o’clock, …………. ?

     a. does it                 b. it does       c. it doesn’t                  d. doesn’t it

10.I studied the book ………………….

       a. in the library carefully yesterday       b. carefully in the library yesterday

       c. yesterday in the library carefully       d. carefully yesterday in the library

12- شكل مناسب صفت داخل پرانتز را در جاي خالي قرار دهيد(2نمره)

1.Javad is …………………… than Nader.(fat)

2.A watch is ……………………….. than a pen.(expensive)

3.This is the ……………………. School in the city.(good)

4.Zahra is the …………………… girl in our class.(old)

13-با انتخاب گزينه مناسب از هر پرانتز متن را كامل كنيد.(3نمره)

She wanted to boil the egg and stay (to / in / with) Newton until he ate it. But he didn’t want to see(anybody / everybody / someone) and said, “You can (leave / eat / stay) the egg with me. I’ll boil it.”

14-با توجه به متن داده شده گزينه True يا False را انتخاب كنيد.(4نمره)

Not all birds migrate, but great numbers of them do. Many like to migrate at nifgt. Then during the day they can rest and eat. It’s easier for them to find food in daylight.

1.Birds don’t fly at night.         (True / False) 

2.All birds migrate.                  (True / False) 

3.Birds can rest during the day.(True / False)

4.They find their food in daylight.(True / False)



چهار شنبه 18 خرداد 1390برچسب:, :: 10:42 ::  نويسنده : محمود ممتاز

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پنج شنبه 5 خرداد 1390برچسب:, :: 9:28 ::  نويسنده : محمود ممتاز

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پنج شنبه 5 خرداد 1390برچسب:, :: 9:13 ::  نويسنده : محمود ممتاز

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